Wednesday, January 2, 2008


Today's gratitude is a half a list until I come back later and finish

* That I started the undertaking of cleaning out and organizing Brian's bedroom. A SERIOUS undertaking here. I think the kid has about 14 loads of laundry. All the drawers are empty and he'll go through the clothes to determine what doesn't fit so I can take them and donate them.

* The sun is shining on this beautifully figid day. It makes the snow look sparkly and beautiful. Glad I could stay inside and get things done.

* I got Don to go with me to the mall and out for dinner.

* Doug had a friend (a very cute girl) from college come over and hang out and you could see that he was truly happy and comfortable (not embarassed to have her at home.

* We found the dog food on sale and we got the BIG 32 pound bag so we're not running out so often and the rugs for the kitchen to catch the snowy wet shoes were $1.99 each! Cereal was on sale too!

* Brian and I worked on his room and got it partially organized and we didn't fight or argue.

* We splurged and bought 2 goldfish. LOL they cost us a total of $1.07! They were the 15 cent feeder gold fish, ;)~ but they're fun to watch.

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